(OS) Vaksin (R5)

Rak: L101
"Vaksin akan mempersiapkan sistem kekebalan tubuh badan manusia ataupun haiwan bagi bertahan terhadap serangan patogen tertentu terutama bakteria, virus, ataupun toksin. Vaksin juga dapat membantu sistem kekebalan bagi melawan sel-sel degeneratif." - Prof. Dr. Azizi Ayob.
Price in points: 15 points
Weight: 0.22 kg
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Format: Paperback
Saiz: 6" x 9"
ISBN-13: 978-967-481-039-9
Tarikh Terbit: 15 May 2017
Jumlah Muka Surat: 152



Zaman ini, topik vaksin akan sentiasa menimbulkan pertentangan. Ada banyak dakwaan-dakwaan yang timbul. Melalui buku ini, penulis yang pernah terlibat secara langsung dengan pembuatan ubat-ubatan dan vaksin, menjelaskan hakikat sebenarnya. 




Kata Pengantar


Apa itu Vaksin?

Sejarah Vaksin

Proses Pembuatan Vaksin

Kandungan Vaksin: Bahan Asli ataupun Bahan Kimia?

Bahan Utama dalam Penghasilan Vaksin

Vaksin dan Teori Konspirasi

Doktor Dibeli Syarikat Farmaseutikal?

Cacat Akibat Vaksin?

Makanan Sunnah, Tahnik, dan Kaitan Vaksin

Perbezaan Testimoni dan Kajian Saintifik

Kenapa Tidak Semua Penyakit Ada Vaksin?

Vaksin dan Pembangunan Negara

Kumpulan Anti-Vaksin

Kenapa Kita Masih Perlu Vaksin

Vaksin dan Islam

Kesimpulan dan Penutup

Biodata Ringkas Penulis




I would like to take a moment to praise the author's effort in trying to reach out and educate the public. With all the misunderstandings about vaccine brought up by certain groups of people, this book clearly does a good job to clarify and straighten things up. 

Not only this book explains how vaccines is clinically made and strictly tested, it also mentions briefly about vaccine main components and pharmacological principles behind a vaccine. The explanations provided in this book are convincing and backed up by evidences that can correct common misperceptions about the adverse effects of vaccines, how vaccine works and its importance in ensuring public safety. The claim that doctors are conspiring with pharmaceutical company are clarified and showed to be irrelevant. 

What makes this books even more special is that it also talks about vaccine from the perspective of Maqasid Syar'iyyah and usul Fiqh like the hukum of the vaccine itself and the hukum of vaccinating. 

I highly recommend this book to new parents, parents and medical practitioners especially.

- sumber: Natasha Tasrib, http://bit.ly/2OGZkht


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Muka Surat:
152 Muka Surat